Tuesday, July 21, 2015


For some reason the people that sell bananas have felt the need to promote their product.
It seems unnecessary, because I'm pretty sure everyone knows what a banana is.
Everyone also knows what a banana tastes like.
They're banana flavored.

Despite the obviously obvious banana companies felt the need to take out advertising in comic books for those few kids that weren't aware of how cool bananas were.

That's right kids, nag your mom about buying bananas because you want to collect all of the 1980 Winter Olympic commemorative stickers.
You'll be the envy of every kid on your block when...
Okay, I can't do this anymore.  If you want Potassium and fiber in your diet, your mom will buy you bananas and whenever you tell her that you want chocolate chip cookies, she'll remind you that there's a perfectly good bunch of bananas on top of the refrigerator slowly going brown and the years of asking for cookies and being switch-pitched bananas will build into a resentment that will cause you to experiment with drugs and alcohol in high school and when you drink too much on prom night and wrap your car around a telephone pole, killing you, your best friend and your dates, who's to blame?  BANANAS! THAT'S WHO!
Who are we kidding?
If you're the kind of person that collects banana stickers you're not going to prom.

Then there's this...

Which made me think of this...

You're welcome.

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