Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Zorcom vs Tanjar

I have no idea who Zorcom was.
All I could ever figure out was that he hated Tanjar.
But if I had cut out the coupon from my comic book and mailed them $7.95 I could have explored the next frontier in fantasy adventure.
Through the power of a cassette tape.
I wonder if they ever came out with that "Vol. 2" they warned us to watch for.

Also, for the low price of $12.95 (plus $3.00 for shipping) you could have ordered the Zorcom Spaceship.

Which is, let's be honest, a cardboard box.
It's like if you were at your deadbeat dad's house for the weekend, because he sued for partial custody out of spite, and you watched Star Wars and your dad was all liquored up and he looks at you, breathing beer fume breath and says, "You want a spaceship? I'll make you a fucking spaceship." and he drives around the neighborhood until he sees a refrigerator box on the side of the road and he throws it in the back of his pick-up truck and takes you back to his place and drops your box of crayons at your feet and says, "Well, there's your spaceship. Make it look however you want. Daddy's going out for a while. Don't burn the place down while I'm gone." and then he comes back in the middle of the night with some drunk lady he calls his "friend" that he warns you not to tell mommy about.
But for those of you whose parents didn't get divorced when you were young, for the low price of $12.95 (plus $3.00 for shipping), you can experience it vicariously.

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